Other Beach Cleanups
Here is a list of like minded people holding Coastal Cleanups in the Southern California area. If you can’t join us for a cleanup we hope you’ll help out one of these other cleanup projects.
Belmont Shore 30 Min Cleanup
Organized by Justin Rudd, Community Action Team (CAT)
3rd Saturday of each month
10 a.m. to 10:30 a.m.
Granada Avenue at the bike path
Justin @JustinRudd.com
Provided: bags, gloves, community service certificates
Free parking after 9:30 a.m.
**note – bags are provided, but it would be a big help if you could bring your own bags (recycled grocery bags)
Coastal Angels Beach Cleanups – Orange County
Monthly Schedule available on their facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/coastalangels
Jacque Francisco
Email for more info: coastalangels@outlook.com
(714) 813-8120